General Terms of Use

The content on this website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or any other type of professional advice. La Grange does not accept, to the extent permitted by law excludes, liability to any person for any loss which may arise from relying upon or otherwise using the information contained in this site or available from it.

La Grange is not responsible for the content of any website which is linked to or from this site. You may link to this website but none of the content of this website may be displayed in a frame surrounded by material which is not originated by us.

Except where otherwise specified, the copyright in all materials on this website is owned by or licensed to La Grange. You may download, print and temporarily store for your own personal use the pages which appear on this website and publications downloadable from it. You must not make any commercial use of content downloaded from this website, without express permissions. You may not otherwise use, copy, alter, re-transmit or permanently store any Material without the prior written consent of La Grange.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes what happens to the personal information which you supply. The website owner reserves the right to change the terms of this privacy policy from time to time, and revised terms will be posted on our website.

What information is held and how is it collected?
If you supply information by email with your contact details or other relevant information, such as information to upload to our website or social media, including personal biographies, etc., this information will be stored as appropriate.

What does La Grange do with your personal information?
La Grange will use your personal information to contact you with information about services and other news which La Grange believes may be of interest to you.

We may use your personal information to carry out normal verification checks, for example in relation to know-your-client procedures and recruitment. Personal information that you provide may be disclosed to a referee and, if applicable, credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information. We may also disclose your personal information where it is appropriate to disclose it for regulatory or legal compliance purposes (e.g. HMRC in relation to VAT inspections).

If you do not wish La Grange to contact you, then please email a request to be removed from any contact lists. Otherwise, by submitting your personal information, you agree to use of the information described above.

La Grange does not:

  • Do any direct marketing to its client database.
  • Sell any part of your contact details to any third-party and never will.
  • Utilize your details in any way other than to perform the work requested of us.

La Grange will obtain your prior consent to pass your details to a business partner in order to complete the tasks requested of us.

Please contact us on if you would like:

A copy of details we store about you.
To be deleted from our database.

How this website uses Cookies

Cookies are small files which are downloaded to your device when you view certain internet pages. This website (in common with the many other websites) uses Google Analytics cookies to collect information such as how many new visitors our website has attracted and how many people have visited particular pages. However, this information is only collected by us in aggregate. That means that we know how many people have visited a particular page but we do not know who they are (so we would not be able to tell from this information that you personally have visited this website). We use this information primarily to help us work out whether our content is proving interesting and helpful to users. We use two further cookies on this site. The first is downloaded to your device if you agree to the use of cookies (so that, if you visit us again, our server ‘remembers’ that it does not need to display the message regarding cookies on your device). The second is used to help our system to recognise a limited number of individuals who are authorised to make changes to our site, but it will be erased when you close your browser (and we would not be able to use it to track whether you personally have visited this website).

You can block the download of cookies or remove/disable them (including the cookies we use) by changing the privacy settings on your web browser. Click here for guidance on how to do this. Alternatively, depending on the type of internet browser that you have, you may be able to download an add-on from Google which will block its analytics cookies.

Further information: Cookies used by this website.